Tuesday, October 29, 2013


You are feeling lousy all the time. You are tired, you cannot concentrate at your work, you are
getting slow in thinking and  at your  work.  You go to your doctor for an answer.  Your 
doctor checks on you,  does  some lab tests , and they all came out negative. You are told 
you are healthy and there is nothing wrong with you . You are puzzled. You do not feel well
and you are told there is nothing wrong  with you.  You hear many things from different people:

"Do not worry. There is nothing wrong with you."
" You are stressed  our. Relax. Take a vacation"
" It is just aging process. You have to accept it"
"You don't  eat well"
"Do more exercise"
" It is midlife  crises. You have to accept it"
"It is all in your head".
" You are crazy. May be little anti-depressant, anti- psychotic, anti- anxiety, or sleep pill can
"You are finding excuses, these is nothing wrong with you".
"You are lying.  You are faking. You are making excuses, You do not want to work". Etc., etc.

This is a common story I hear from the patients who come to me for help.

But LISTEN, it may not be your fault . Your thyroid could be causing all these problems, but
unfortunately it could be  missed by your doctor. It is easy to miss  or misdiagnosed thyroid
issues.. That is why, I call it a silent killer. According  to Broda Barnes MD( who used fasting
temperature as a part of thyroid evaluation and he is author of famous book: Hypothyroidism:
The Unsuspected Illness), more then  40 percent of Americans  may be  having thyroid
 problem  and  many may not  know it. Problems are:  Symptoms of thyroid diseases  could
be so vague .misleading and resemble to many other common diseases, that  unless

a physician keep this in the  back of his/her mind and take  proper history and do appropriate 
examination ( which  is hard in insurance led medical practices) , thyroid issues can be easily
missed , misdiagnosed  for other conditions and treated for other conditions which are not present
and this can cause real harm to the  patient. David  Brownstein  MD  describes the case of his father
in his book , " Overcoming Thyroid Disorders" . His father  was   wrongly diagnosed and wrongly treated 
for coronary artery  disease, and he underwent  unnecessary invasive procedures like angiogram
etc., while in fact he had hypothyroidism . After  proper treatment of hypothyrodism he improved
and lived many healthy years afterwards..  Broda Barnes MD has describes many similar  cases 
as well. 

Another issue is most commonly test used to exclude hypothyroid is TSH, which  may miss some
patients especially poor T4 to T3 converters. Also  normal value of TSH  is not wellestablished.
Different doctors interpret TSH differently. According to Dr. Brownstein,  since doctors started relying 
on TSH alone as an indicator of thyroid disease, many cases of hypothyroidism have been missed.
Consequently, not only are cancer, diabetes, heart disease and obesity on the rise but also new 
mysterious diseases like chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia on rise.

Some of the signs and symptoms of  hypothyroidism you should remember are :

-macroglossia (big tongue)
-pale skin-loss of smell or taste
-slow speech-thinning hair and/or eyebrows-sensitivity to cold
-muscle weakness
-yellow skin
-poor memory-mental fog
-mental slowness
-atherosclerosis(hardening of arteries)
-high cholesterol-arthritis
-cold extremities
-voice changes
-fatigue especially in the morning-infertility
-menstrual problems
-paresthesia (numbness)
-carpel tunnel
-ovarian cysts
-preorbital edema ( swelling around the eyes)
-proptosis (bulging eyes)-dry skin
-bugging eyes
-puffy face
-goiter (swelling in front of your neck)
-hypotension or -hypertension
-slow reflexes

However hypothyroiism may present in may other sneaky ways. One important thing I tell my patients is, to take fasting vitals. Low temperature with usually low pulse (sometimes high) indicate possibility of hypothyroidism.

Early diagnosis and treatment is very crucial. Thyroid hormone is important  for  metabolism to
every cell which maintains cellular energy and cellular  functions. 
 Hypothyroidism , if not treated can
damage every cell, and every organ of the body , most serious being heart irregularity, heart failure , 
mental retardation and dementia.

Dr Tahir MD , Holistic MD
Comprehensive, Holistic and 
Natural Care of Thyroid Diseases.
585-336 4060
"We know Thyroid A to Z "

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