Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Rising deaths, Holistic Medicine can help.
Now, finally, State and Federal Health Officials among other major health agencies have recognized increasing deaths among patients who use narcotics for pain control. This is not a joke. It is a serious issue and requires immediate action. I continually see pharmaceutical companies pushing their marketing by way of advertising, in major medical journals, at major medical conferences and on television, etc., influencing and encouraging physicians and patients to rely on narcotics as an acceptable form of pain control. When I open my medical journals the first thing that I usually notice is an advertisement for narcotics. When I go to medical conferences, I see bill boards and stands with slues of advertising paraphernalia specifically geared toward using narcotics for pain control. This does nothing but to brain wash and make a physician automatically associate pain with narcotics. What a sad thing?
 The thing that we need to realize is that when a patient is using narcotics and addictive drugs, the drug takes control of the patient and s/he loses control of his/her own body and mind. The craving s/he gets can make keep them from rationalizing things properly. They may think and act irrationally or illegally and are at a greater risk to do bodily harm to themselves or others. I refer to the recent death of Michael Jackson and the mourning of millions of his fans; this should have been a wakeup call, of sorts, and more importantly a lesson to us all, a starting point, if you will, to find an alternative way to replace narcotics and addictive drugs.
 This alone should alert us to the serious effects that narcotics present, and it demands immediate action! I strongly believe with Natural, Holistic, Integrative and Alternative Care 90% of narcotics and addictive’s can be eliminated.

Dr. Tahir MD. Internal Medicine - Family Medicine ( Natural, Holistic and Natural Approach
 - 3450 Winton Place, Rochester ,New York 14623.
 - 1732 West Genesee Street , Syracuse ,NY 13204
 (888) 963- 6033
 (585) 334- 4060
 (315) 214- 8100
 (607) 765- 8129

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