Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Some of the Conditions Dr. Tahir Treats

Dr. Tahir takes a comprehensive history and performs a thorough physical examination and tests. As part of his investigation, he orders any necessary tests (blood tests, MRI, CT scan, etc), diagnoses, prescribes, treats and makes referrals if needed. He uses the latest, most effective and safest possible evidence-based treatment, based on holistic, integrative and functional medicine principles.
The following are only a sample of the most common conditions that Dr. Tahir has treated successfully. Please inquire about other conditions not listed below:
 - chronic fatigue
- fibromyalgia
- chronic pain not responding to other treatments
- obesity (overweight)
- depression
- panic attack
- anxiety
- phobia
- recurrent warts
- recurrent corns
- allergies (food and environmental and others)
- rashes
- acne
- dandruff
- psoriasis
- chronic rashes not responding to other treatments
- alopecia
- insomnia (lack of sleep)
- Parkinsonism
- brain fog
- inability to concentrate or focus
- memory issues
- chronic dizziness
- ADHD (adult and childhood)
- peripheral neuropathy
- gout
- bursitis
- muscle spasm
- frozen shoulders
- tennis elbow
- whiplash
- muscle pain
- migraine and other  chronic headache
- herniated discs, bulging discs and other discs problems
- arthritis
- degenerative joint disease
- tendinitis
- CTS ( carpal tunnel syndrome)
- chronic neck pain
- chronic back pain
- burning tongue syndrome
- halitosis ( bad breath)
- sinus problems
- chronic bronchitis
- hoarseness
- asthma
- chronic cough
- recurrent ear infections
- recurrent sinus infection
- recurrent lung infection
- upper respiratory infection
- IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)
- indigestion
- chronic constipation
- chronic diarrhea
- gluten intolerance
- lactose intolerance
- chronic abdominal pain not responding to other therapies
- leaky gut syndrome
- Crohn’s disease
- ulcerative colitis
- hiatus hernia
- peptic ulcer disease
- heartburn
- bloating
- metabolic syndrome
- diabetes
- high cholesterol, high triglyceride and low HDL
- coronary  artery disease
- congestive heart failure
- hypertension ( high blood pressure)
- hypotension ( low blood pressure)
- lack of energy
- low sex drive and other sexual issues
- fluid retention
- hot flashes
- hirsutism ( excessive hair growth)
- polycystic ovarian syndrome
- endometriosis
- fibroid of uterus
- dysmenorrhea
- cystitis( painful urination)
- frequent urination
- ovarian failure
- hormonal imbalance
- recurrent urinary tract infections
- perimenopausal and postmenopausal discomfort
- low sex drive and other sexual problems
- diabetes
- hypertension
- high cholesterol
- coronary  artery disease
- congestive heart failure
- metabolic syndrome (syndrome x)
- lupus
- rheumatoid arthritis
- multiple sclerosis
- general weakness
- natural detoxification
- autoimmune diseases and other immune issues
- Hashimoto’s and other thyroid problems
- thyroid fatigue
- adrenal fatigue
- pituitary fatigue
- general weakness
- post Lyme disease sickness (chronic Lyme)
- recurrent infections
- post vaccination sickness
- chronic wound infection
- chronic cellulitis
- chronic toxins and chronic infections
- chronic candida (yeast infection)
- addictions to, drugs, alcohol and other addictions
- smoke cessation
- cancer support
…and other conditions where convention treatment has failed
Dr. Tahir MD Internal Medicine- Family Medicine( Natural, Holistic and Integrative Approach)
"Western Physician Knows Eastern Medicine"

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