Tuesday, October 22, 2013


You've seen one doctor after another, each treating some aspect of your suffering but none of them getting to the root of your many and varied symptoms. Finally you've figured it out: it’s the thyroid! So you get yourself to a well-respected doctor who understands these things. You’re tested for TSH, but lo and behold, it comes back “normal.”
What is going on, really?
While the TSH may be normal, your thyroid antibodies may be abnormal. But perhaps you weren’t tested for this. If your thyroid disorder is given proper treatment at this stage, that treatment may reverse and prevent damage to the thyroid.
Thyroid dysfunctions may present many ways, and that is what can be so confusing, to patients and to their doctors.
Thyroid problems have been linked to more then 59 diseases like cancer, diabetes, obesity, ADHD, skin, nail and hair conditions, high cholesterol, high or low blood pressure, angina, heart attacks, strokes, allergies, carpal tunnel, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, arthritis and many others conditions.
According to Dr. David Brownstien MD, 52 million Americans are suffering from thyroid dysfunction and most of them do not even know it. He states that sixty to eighty percent of Americans may have unrecognized thyroid problems. Like oxygen, every cell in the body needs thyroid hormone. Thyroid dysfunction will affect every cell, every organ of the body. A thyroid imbalance can cause an imbalance in other hormones as well.
Interestingly, the usual thyroid lab tests may be negative and may therefore be misleading. The test most commonly ordered is for TSH and it may be normal. As a result, patients are told they do not have thyroid disease. However, the doctor who takes a thorough history, performs a thorough examination and obtains fasting temperatures has the opportunity to discover when patients are still showing evidence of hypothyroidism and/or high Free T3 despite “normal” TSH levels. According to Dr. Brownstien, ever since doctors started relying on TSH alone as an indicator of thyroid disease, many cases of hypothyroidism have been missed. Consequently, not only are cancer, diabetes, heart disease and obesity on the rise but also new mysterious diseases like chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia.
It is important to recognize all the signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism. Some of the symptoms patients may experience are:
•macroglossia (big tongue)
•pale skin
•loss of smell or taste
•slow speech
•thinning hair and/or eyebrows
•sensitivity to cold
•muscle weakness
•yellow skin
•poor memory
•mental fog
•mental slowness
•high cholesterol
•cold extremities
•voice changes
•fatigue especially in the morning
•Menstrual problems
•paresthesia (numbness)
•carpel tunnel
•ovarian cysts
•preorbital edema ( swelling around the eyes)
•proptosis (bulging eyes)
•dry skin
•bugging eyes
•puffy face
•goiter (swelling in front of your neck)
•hypotension or hypertension
•slow reflexes
What can you do?
If you suspect you may have a thyroid issue, take your fasting temperature daily, first thing in the morning. If your temperature is below 98.2 F, hypothyroidism should be considered and further evaluation is needed. You should also check your pulse and blood pressure. High or low pulse and blood pressure is anther indication of thyroid disease.
Feel free to contact Dr Tahir if you would like to start to feel well again.
Dr. Tahir MD Holistic Thyroid MD
- 3450 Winton Place, Rochester ,New York 14623.
- 1732 West Genesee Street , Syracuse ,NY 13204
(888) 963- 6033
(585) 334- 4060
(315) 214- 8100
(607) 765- 8129
( We know thyroid A to Z)

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